Top Donate

An investment in The Wallace is an investment in the future.

Through education, arts, and service, The Wallace can be the source of positive impact in our area. We need your help. Donations will sustain day to day operations at The Wallace, as well as support the renovation process as we work toward the vision of a better community.


Join the Wallace Backstage– where generous donors are making an impact for as low as $10 a month! Click to learn more about the impact you can have!

Our Capital Campaign Vision!

"To complete the restoration and renovation of the Wallace Theater as the premier boutique venue for arts & cultural educational opportunities, live performance, and film experiences because everyone deserves access to these opportunities in an outstanding environment."

Other Ways to Give!

As you are thinking about year-end? Donors like you find it convenient to give appreciated assets instead of cash. 

This allows you a tax deduction and prevents you from having to pay capital gains on the sale of the stock or cryptocurrency.  Always consult with your financial advisor when considering this type of gift. For more information, please contact Alycyn Keeling.

want to send a check?

Here’s our mailing address: The Wallace Theater, 823 Houston Street, Levelland, Texas 79336

Please include a note with your name, current mailing address, phone number, and email.
This way, we will be able to send a donation receipt. Thank you!

5 Reasons to donate local

Donor Recognition

Gifts made at the Leadership Circle level and above will be listed on our website as a supporter. 

To make a gift in honor of or in memory of someone, please include the name to be displayed in the comments section.  

Thank you for your support!

The Wallace Theater is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible and you will receive a letter in the mail acknowledging your contribution.