
At home?

The Wallace is all about community and since our community might be at home more in the next couple of weeks, we thought sharing some ideas about activities or things you can do at home might be helpful!

If you’re like me, staying at home can be difficult. I love being out and about and seeing people. I have compiled a list of things to do for yourself and for your family.

Choose joy while at home, and I hope these ideas help!

  1. Get up and get dressed! My friend, Katy, works from home often. I texted her for advice for this blog, and this is what she said, “Get up! Get ready for the day!” Your creative juices will start flowing, and you can finally get started on that to-do list that’s been sitting there for months.

  2. Watch a movie that you loved from your childhood. Bringing up those fun and carefree memories will surely put a smile on your face. I am going to watch Beauty and the Beast. What are you going to watch?

  3. Try a new recipe! Pinterest is full of easy recipes that you can follow. Bake some sweets or try a new soup, either way it will be so yummy!

  4. Read that book sitting on your bedside table. I know you have one. I have a few actually, and maybe I’ll be able to read all of them. What books are you wanting to read?

  5. GO OUTSIDE! There is nothing off-limits about walking about your back yard or up and down your street. Vitamin D is so good for you.

  6. Facetime family that you haven’t talk to in a while. How nice will it be to SEE them and their smiles. That will definitely make you smile!

  7. Play some games - card games, board games, made up games, all the games! I follow an awesome blogger on instagram, homegrowntraditions, and she has a saved stories called 5-Minute Family Games. Most of them use household items, and they are so fun.

  8. Create something! Whether it be a short-story, music, a painting, any type of craft… I love creating, and creating something new helps you think and learn!

Do y’all have some ideas about what you could do at home? What brings you joy?