
"Home with the Armadillo" at the Texas Tribune Festival - Where Dreams Come True!

I still can’t believe this happened. Fingers crossed, Lyle Lovett will be playing on stage at the Wallace when we reopen!

On Saturday, September 7th, 2024 I went to the Texas Tribune Festival. I sat in on a panel with Texas music legends Lyle Lovett and Terry Lickona, Executive Producer of Austin City Limits. The incredible Andy Langer moderated the panel.

At the end of the panel, I got in line to ask a question. My heart was racing. I was the last question. Time was short.

I quickly said, “My name is Alycyn Keeling. I’m from Levelland, Texas, and I’m running a nonprofit that is renovating and restoring a 1928 historic theater. What advice would you give me on opening this venue? Mr. Lovett, what makes a venue one that artists want to play repeatedly? And Mr. Lickona, what advice would you give me to create an organization that will last 50+ years?”

Lyle was the first to answer, and he said something to the effect of, “Thank you for what you are doing.” (I was filled with such joy it was all I could do to make myself stay in the moment.) He paused for a beat and said, “Keep me in mind when you open.” Then the whole room burst into applause!

At that moment, there was someone in the audience who knew our board member Dillon Palmer Webb. He sent Dillon the text below.

Lyle Lovett proceeded to give me some great advice. He said, “Something that makes a place like that special for an artist is being on a stage where so many great ones have played before you.” In that moment, I was there. I saw the completed Wallace Theater. I envisioned him on stage and the feeling of awe I will share with the audience as they sit in that theater performance on stage. I thought about the next generation of musicians, SPC Students, who will know how much it means to stand on a stage where legends have stood.

Tery Lickona answered next. He talked about his crew and how they shared the vision. He talked about everyone having a passion for what they are doing. I thought, “We’ve got this!” From our incredible staff, Tina Wiiest, Jolenna Carter, Arlette Silva, to our donors, board of directors, advisors, our volunteers, our previous staff who have shared their talents and passion for the greater mission and vision, and our incredible community who has made it possible for the Wallace to happen, thank you all! You have made the Wallace what it is today, and you have helped preserve this beloved place in our community.

As the Wallace, we have this incredible opportunity ahead of us. The memories that will be made in our community are inspiring. Mr. Lyle Lovett, I hope you will be one of the first to play on this stage.

Thank you, Alycyn Keeling.

September 7, 2024